Beaujolais Nouveau Wine Festival – interesting facts and customs.

What wine goes with the cake?

Beaujolais nouveau is this year's young red wine from France. Every third Thursday of November, bottles of this fresh drink are uncorked to taste its specific taste. It is Wine Festival Day, most loudly celebrated in France, but also among lovers of this alcoholic drink around the world. In this article, you will learn interesting facts and customs related to Beaujolais Nouveau, and you will also find out what type of wine is best suited to sweet baked goods.

Beaujolais nouveau – what is this wine and what does it taste like?

The name of this wine can literally be translated as young, new, and Beaujolais is a region in France, north of Lyon, where this grape variety - gamay - comes from. The first vineyards were planted in this area by the Romans, and in the following centuries they were taken over by the Benedictine monks.

Beaujolais nouveau is a wine that undergoes a short fermentation period, because it is opened in the same year after bottling, on the occasion of Wine Festival. Therefore, this type of alcohol does not undergo any aging or aging process. The taste of the wine is rather tart, with a noticeable fruity note. The color is purple-violet. Beaujolais nouveau goes mainly with various meat dishes, but also with vegetables and cheeses. You should also remember to consume it quickly, because it turns into wine vinegar after about a year.

Although Beaujolais nouveau has both fans and opponents, more than half of its production from France goes abroad, mainly to Japan, whose inhabitants are particularly fond of its taste. 

The tradition of celebrating new wine

The custom of celebrating Beaujolais Nouveau Wine Festival was initiated in France in the 1950s. This day always falls on the third Thursday of November, just before the start of Advent - in reference to the old rituals of tasting this year's wine during this period. Apparently, Thursday was chosen specifically for the day of celebration, so that the event participants could slowly enjoy the taste of this drink and get up for work the next morning.

However, in the Beaujolais region itself, the Wine Festival celebrations start on Wednesday and last for five days. During this time, you can taste different types of Beaujolais nouveau and visit the vineyards. During the event, there is a parade in honor of the farmers who produced the wine, as well as a fireworks display.

The taste of the Beaujolais nouveau bouquet may change slightly each year depending on the grape harvest and weather conditions. Sometimes it's more tart. Therefore, the course of tasting this year's wine during the celebration of this year is also an omen for Beaujolais nouveau for the whole year!

What wine to choose for cakes and tortes?

Desserts go well with not only coffee and tea, but also the right type of wine. When choosing this drink, it is worth following a few basic rules, then the sweet treat will surely be a success. Here are the most important ones:

  • Balance of sweetness

When combining wine with cake, make sure that they taste equally sweet. If it turns out that the drink is drier, it may disturb the taste of the dessert. 

Intensely sweet, aromatic wines go perfectly with chocolate cakes. These types of desserts usually have an equally strong taste and sometimes a bitter note. Therefore, the right wine will perfectly complement the character of the dessert - it can be Merlot, Malbec or Port.

In case of => fruit cakes A good choice will be wines with a more subtle taste, i.e. semi-sweet and semi-dry. This type of alcohol will not dominate the dessert with its sweetness, but will emphasize its fruity notes.

  • Similar color of wine and cake

Another rule is to combine white wines with light desserts and red wines with dark ones. White wines are generally lighter and fruitier, so they go well with => cheesecakes and with cakes with the addition of fruit, as well as whipped cream or white chocolate - so it is an excellent choice for light, bright => cakes. However, red wines are more suitable for heavier desserts with an intense, sweet taste, such as the already mentioned chocolate cakes or => gingerbread.

  • Complementarity of flavor notes

When choosing a dessert wine, it is also worth paying attention to its noticeable flavor bouquet. The aromas of wines can be very diverse, just like those of desserts, and when served together they can complement each other perfectly. Therefore, if we plan to treat our guests to a cake with a specific fruit flavor, e.g. a lemon tart, white wine with a hint of lemon will perfectly highlight the qualities of this dessert. Again, red wines with chocolate aromas, but also cherries and berries, will go perfectly with cakes like => Marcello or other chocolate-flavored baked goods.

We encourage you to experiment in choosing the right type of wine for your favorite dessert. And for delicious cakes and cakes, visit Jacek Placek Confectionery!