Types of chocolate - what are they and what are their health properties

Who among us is not a chocolate lover? We love it in many forms: a classic tablet, a drink or an ingredient for cakes and desserts. This delicacy even gained its own special holiday, which we celebrate on July 7 as World Chocolate Day. And what are its types and values? And is chocolate healthy? – You will learn about all this in our article.

What is chocolate made of and what are its varieties

On store shelves we have a huge selection of chocolates with various additions and fillings. However, each of them consists primarily of sugar and cocoa mass - in fat and non-fat form. Depending on the proportions of these ingredients, we distinguish 4 basic types of chocolate:

  • sour,
  • Milky,
  • White,
  • pink.

Bitter - the healthiest of chocolates

Among all chocolates, dark contains the most cocoa liquor (from 60% to even 99%) and at the same time the least sugar. For this reason, its taste is quite astringent and not everyone becomes its admirers. However, it is thanks to this high cocoa content that dark chocolate is the richest in nutrients such as: vitamins A, B and E, minerals, e.g. magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, as well as amino acids, fiber and many others. Therefore, the consumption of this delicacy has a beneficial effect on health! Interestingly, experts indicate that dark chocolate can protect us from obesity, because it reduces appetite and makes you feel full! 

Milky - the sweetest

Less cocoa is used to make this type of chocolate - typically up to 50%, as well as dairy products. Therefore, its taste is definitely sweeter and the color is brighter than in the case of the bitter variety. And thanks to the dairy ingredients, milk chocolate is the most calcium-rich.

White - chocolate without cocoa

It is not considered real chocolate by some connoisseurs because it does not contain dry cocoa liquor. However, in its composition, apart from sugar or additives, there is cocoa butter, which should be not less than 33%. Unfortunately, some producers replace this important ingredient with other vegetable fats, e.g. hydrogenated palm oil, which significantly reduces the quality of this product and its taste. The lack of dry cocoa means that the chocolate does not take on the typical brown color, but has a creamy color.

Pink - fully natural

This type of chocolate is a relatively new invention. It was first produced in 2017 by a Swiss company with a high reputation in the cocoa products market. What primarily distinguishes this chocolate is its pink color. However, it was not created as a result of using artificial dyes in the production process, but in a completely natural way. How is this possible? Well, for its preparation, ruby cocoa beans are used, which acquire a pink color during roasting. And is this variety of chocolate also distinguished by its taste? Yes - it is sweet, but with a noticeable delicate sour admixture and the aroma of forest fruits.

The beneficial properties of chocolate

The consumption of chocolate brings pleasure not only to our palate, but also has a positive effect on our mood, health and even appearance. So what is the power of a chocolate bar? First of all, it is saturated with nutrients - according to research, there are over 600 of them! And it is thanks to them that the consumption of chocolate contributes to the improvement of our physical, mental and mental condition. For example, magnesium contained in it improves brain function, and together with a portion of carbohydrates, potassium and iron, it gives us energy. In addition, chocolate reduces the risk of many serious diseases, including cancer, stroke, atherosclerosis or myocardial infarction. And it's all thanks to valuable ingredients such as polyphenols. Therefore, let's boldly reach for this salutary delicacy! Of course, we must not forget about the rule of golden moderation. 2-3 pieces of chocolate a day are enough for us to maintain a healthy diet!