Interesting facts about cheesecake and its history on the occasion of International Cheesecake Day

Cheesecake is known and liked not only in Poland, but practically all over the world! There are many ways to make it, depending on the country or region of origin. This baking is so popular and valued that it has gained its own special holiday - International Cheesecake Day, which we celebrate on July 30. In this article, we tell you about the history of this delicacy, since it appeared in Poland, as well as about the different variants of this cake.

A delicacy known for centuries

History =>cheesecake dates back to the times of the ancient Greeks and Romans. At that time, this type of baking was considered a real rarity and was intended to be eaten only by Olympic winners or during religious ceremonies. The first cheesecake recipe was written down in the 3rd century by the Greek writer Athenaeus, who included it in his work Feast of the Sages. Then, with the expansion of the Roman Empire, this delicacy conquered new regions in Europe. Over time, each nation developed its own version of making cheesecake with local ingredients.


The history of cheesecake in Poland

And when did this delicacy hit Polish tables? It is believed that the classic Viennese cheesecake was brought to our country by Jan III Sobieski after returning from Vienna. The king had a reputation as a glutton. However, earlier in the Old Polish cuisine, a dessert called arkas was prepared, one of the ingredients of which was cottage cheese. Cheesecake in its modern form became a popular cake in Poland in the 19th century. It was sometimes called a cheese pie, it was baked with a dry base or without it - in the Viennese style. Over time, its Krakow version with a characteristic grille on top became popular. Another regional variant is Kashubian cheesecake with the addition of boiled potatoes. And in the 80s, under the influence of the Brazilian series shown on Polish television, it will gain great popularityla=>Izaura cheesecake – named after the title character. It is a two-color version of the cake, in one part enriched with cocoa, thanks to which an interesting visual effect is obtained.

What is cheesecake made of

Traditional Polish cheesecake was prepared primarily from natural, rural, fatty cottage cheese, which still had to be ground. Currently, however, stores offer ready-made cheesecake masses, which makes it much easier for us to make this cake. All variants are also very liked by gourmands =>cold cheesecakewhose basic ingredient is homogenized cheese or the aforementioned cheesecake mass. On the Internet, we can also find other versions of recipes for this type of desserts using natural yoghurt instead of cottage cheese. Vegan cheesecakes based on tofu are also becoming more and more popular. In addition, there are many other modifications of this cake depending on the additives used in the form of fruit, poppy seed mass, raisins, lemon juice, crumble or meringue.

Varieties of cheesecake in different parts of the world

Homemade cheesecake, confectionery Jacek Placek, natural cheesecake, traditional recipe, natural ingredients, original Viennese cheesecake with raisins, home delivery

In Poland, we prepare a classic cheesecake with cottage cheese. And how does it look in other countries in the world, where this delicacy is equally popular and valued? In the United States, the base ingredient for its production is cream cheese of the Philadelphia type, which gives the cake a velvety taste and the cheese mass is thick. Spaniards love Basque cheesecake. From the outside, it looks like a burnt cake, while inside it remains slightly liquid. Whereas in Japan cheesecake is prepared in a water bath, it is very fluffy and delicate. Both in this country and in Spain, cream cheese is needed to make a cake. Next, the German variation of this baking is =>Royal Cheese Cakedistinguished by a dark underside. In the Russian version, mixed nuts are added to the crispy base. These are only selected variants of cheesecakes from around the world, because there are over 1000 recipes!

And in ours =>Jack Placek Bakery everyone will surely find their favorite type of cheesecake - both in the classic version, cold or with various additions. We invite you to familiarize yourself with our wide range of offers! =>Here!