Easter traditions yesterday and today

Easter is one of the most important Christian and family holidays. Currently, apart from the religious aspect, we associate it primarily with eggs, Easter eggs, Easter eggs, pouring Monday or spring nature waking up around. However, few people know about the old Easter customs that have already disappeared or survived in a changed form. In this article, we present some of the most interesting of them.

Blessing food

Preparing Święconka on Holy Saturday is a Polish tradition that has been preserved to this day. Nowadays, most of us put a few eggs, salt, a piece of bread and sausage in a basket, which is generally more symbolic. But it used to be different. All the food that was planned to be eaten during the Easter breakfast was brought to the consecration. Then they were put out of baskets on large white sheets, which were specially laid out in churches or chapels.

 What does śmigus-dyngus mean

The custom of pouring water on Easter Monday is still cultivated, although here too its importance has decreased compared to what happened a generation ago. Especially in the villages, young people often organized races with buckets full of water, so it was difficult to avoid getting wet on that day. And what does the rather mysterious name Śmigus-Dyngus mean? It actually involves two separate customs. Śmigus consisted of whipping the legs with willow twigs and pouring water on them in order to clean them after the winter. Dyngus, on the other hand, meant buying oneself out of the Śmigus practices, i.e. if some girl did not want to be doused with water and whipped with twigs, she had to give some Easter gift or delicacy in return. Although, on the other hand, the girl who got the most soaked that day had the best chance of getting married quickly.

Burial of sour rye soup and hanging herring - a forgotten folk ritual

A very interesting folk custom, which has completely disappeared, was the burial of the sour rye soup and the hanging of herring. It was associated with the celebration of the end of Lent. In the past, this period was more rigorously approached, not only meat dishes were banned, but also dairy products and sugar, and sour rye soup and herring dominated the tables. It was a very funny tradition, because people actually dug a pot of sour soup in the ground and hung herring, but made of wood, on a branch. In this way, they said goodbye to the dishes that had already become disgusting during the fast, and then they got down to preparing Easter dishes.

Easter offer in Jacek Placek confectioneries

For Easter, our company Jacek Placek has prepared a special ⇒ festive assortment – mainly sweet pastries, but also salty snacks. There is still time to place an order in the online store or in person at one of our premises. We also offer the possibility of delivery to the indicated address. We warmly invite you!

On the occasion of Easter, on behalf of our entire team, we wish you all the best wishes: health, joy of family meetings, wet Monday, and above all, tasty dishes on the holiday table! Happy Easter!