Jack Placek Bakery
Tomasz Kondlewski
84-215 Gowino, ul. Wejherowska 110, NIP 5882304608



Update date: 2022-11-24
[General provisions]
1. These Regulations are established on the basis of art. 8 sec. 1 point 1) of the Act on provision of electronic services of July 18, 2002 (i.e. Journal of Laws of 2020 pos. 344 with later as amended).

2. These Regulations define the types and scope of services provided by road electronically on the www.jacekplacek.com.pl website and the rules for providing these services by the Seller - Confectionery Jacek Placek Tomasz Kondlewski with its registered office in Gowin (84-215) ul. Wejherowska 110, NIP 5882304608.

3. Each Buyer should read the content of these Regulations before placing an order via the website www.jacekplacek.com.pl.

4. The Buyer is obliged to comply with the provisions of the Regulations.

The phrases used in these Regulations mean:

1. Products - means all products and confectionery products offered in Jacek Placek Online Store. Presented on the website www.jacekplacek.com.pl information on products and their prices apply only of the Jacek Placek Online Store and are valid in a specific area at https://jacekplacek.com.pl/dostawa/;

2. Regulations - these regulations should be understood;

3. Seller - Confectionery Jacek Placek Tomasz Kondlewski with its registered office in Gowin (84-215) ul. Wejherowska 110, NIP 5882304608;

4. Buyer - user, person finatural, legal or organizational unit not having legal personality, which uses the services of the portal www.jacekplacek.com.pl - an online store through which purchases the Products offered by the Seller;

5. Online store - website with the address www.jacekplacek.com.pl enabling the presentation and sale of Products through which The seller offers to conclude a contract in the form of an invitation to submit orders.

[Type and scope of services provided]
1. The Regulations define the rules for placing orders in the online store Seller via the website www.jacekplacek.com.pl [hereinafter referred to as "Shop website Jacek Placek”.

2. The Regulations specify in particular:
and. rules for using the Jacek Placek Online Store,
b. rules for placing orders for Products offered in the Store Jacek Placek,
c. rules for paying fees for ordered Products,
d. rules for the delivery of ordered Products,
e. rules for lodging and handling complaints.

[Technical requirements]
1. For the correct and uninterrupted use of the Jacek Online Store The cake requires the following minimum conditions technical:

and. internet connection,
b. a web browser that supports the html language,
c. having active e-mail.

2. It is forbidden for the Buyer to send information and content of a nature unlawful, offensive, misleading information and content that may interfere with or damage computer systems.

1. Getting to know the offer of the Jacek Placek Online Store does not require registration.

2. In order to order Products on the Jacek Placek Website, The Buyer selects the Products he is interested in, while specifying the quantity and size/weight of the Product, and then clicks "Add to Cart".

3. The Buyer can verify at any timefiof the Products contained in "Basket".

4. After selecting all the Products of interest to the Buyer, The buyer goes to the "Cart" and then clicks "Proceed to payment".

5. Then the Buyer fills in the order form, providing data depending on forms of order fulfillment:

and. home delivery
and. zip code,
ii. execution date,
iii. first name and last name,
iv. delivery address (zip code, city, street and building number),
v. contact telephone number,
vi. e-mail adress,

b. personal collection
and. execution date,
ii. first name and last name,
iii. contact telephone number,
iv. e-mail adress,
v. in the last phase, the selection of the collection point

6. In addition, in order to issue a VAT invoice at the request of the Buyer, the Buyer is obliged to provide invoice data, namely:
and. first and last name (or name ficompanies),
b. address ficompanies/entrepreneurs,
c. number nip.

7. The buyer also has the option of including comments to the submitted form in the form orders by yourself.

8. Upon sending a correctly completed order form, a contract is concluded between the Seller and the Buyer.

9. The Seller confirms the order placed by the Buyer via e-mail.

10. Providing personal data by the Buyer is voluntary, however, failure to do so may prevent the Buyer from placing an order in the Jacek Placek Online Store and, consequently, from completing the order.

11. Orders are accepted by the Jacek Placek Website 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.

12. By placing an order in the Jacek Placek Online Store, the Buyer undertakes to collect the Products and pay the price indicated by the Seller, including delivery costs.

13. The Buyer pays for the ordered Products in cash upon receipt of the order.

14. Completion of the ordering process Buyer fianalyzes by clicking "Buy and salaries".

15. The summary of the order placed by the Buyer is sent to the e-mail address indicated by the Buyer.

[Execution of the contract]
1. To complete the order, it is necessary to accept the provisions of the Regulations.

2. Orders are carried out only in the area indicated on the Seller's website https://jacekplacek.com.pl/dostawa/.

3. The order is effective if the Buyer correctly completes the order form and correctly provides contact details, including the exact delivery address.

4. If the data is incomplete or the data provided makes it impossible to make the shipment, the Seller will contact the Buyer (provided that the data provided by the Buyer enable contact).

5. If the Buyer cannot be contacted, the Seller has the right to cancel the order.

6. In the event of a lack of the ordered Product or when the ordered Product is temporarily unavailable, the Seller shall inform the Buyer about this fact before the order is processed.

7. The Buyer has the right to cancel the order placed by him by phone 58 572 0331, or by e-mail: pies@jacekplacek.com.pl.

8. Placed orders will be processed on the date indicated by the Buyer, subject to the dates indicated with regard to the given area on the website https://jacekplacek.com.pl/dostawa/.

9. The Seller does not execute orders on Sundays and public holidays in accordance with applicable law.

10. The ordered Product is delivered to the Buyer by the Seller to the address indicated in the order form. Shipments are delivered from Monday to Saturday.

11. The Buyer has the option of personal collection of the ordered Products in the Seller's stationary stores indicated on the Online Store website.

[Product prices]
1. All prices of the Products listed in the Jacek Placek Online Store are given in Polish zlotys and include VAT (gross price).

2. The price of the Products does not include delivery costs.

3. The cost of delivery is given when placing the order and depends on it the delivery address indicated by the Buyer.

4. The price given for each Product is binding at the time of submission by the buyer's order.

5. Orders placed by the Buyer are carried out at the applicable prices on the day of placing the order, shown in the description of the Products.

6. The Jacek Placek Online Store reserves the right to change the prices of the Products on offer, introducing new Products to the Store's offer Jacek Placek or withdrawal of Products from the offer and carrying out promotional campaigns on your website.

7. A sales document is issued for each contract for the sale of Products in the form of a receipt or VAT invoice.

8. The sales document is attached to the dispatched order.

[Withdrawal from the contract]
1. Pursuant to the provision of Art. 38 point 4) of the Act of May 30, 2014 on rights consumer - The Buyer is not entitled to withdraw from the contract who is a consumer in relation to contracts, the subject of which benefits are perishable and short-lived items suitability for use.

1. The Seller is liable under the warranty for defects in the Product towards the Buyer for rules set out in the Civil Code.

2. The Seller is obliged to provide the Buyer with a Product free from defects.

3. The shipment containing the ordered Product should be properly packed (paper carton, closed or sealed).

4. Upon receipt of the ordered Products, in the presence of the delivery entity shipment, the Buyer is obliged to examine the condition, wholeness, completeness, integrity and compliance of the shipment/Products with the order placed.

5. If you receive a shipment in a damaged packaging, indicating the interference with the content of the shipment by third parties or finding other deficiencies or discrepancies with the placed order, please:

and. informing the Seller about the fact and
b. submitting a complaint in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations.
6. Complaints can be submitted via, e-mail or by phone - details are provided in §12 of the Regulations. A complaint should
include in particular:

and. name and surname (data ficompanies),
b. delivery address,
c. the date of receipt of the Product,
d. type of the advertised Product,
e. detailed description of the defect,
f. request (claim) of the Buyer (e.g. receipt of goods free from defects).

7. The Buyer is obliged to provide the Seller with a photofidefective product.

8. If a Product defect is found in the presence of the supplier, the defective Product should be returned to the Seller.

9. The complaint will be considered no later than within 14 days from its dateassemblies. The Buyer will be informed about the manner of its consideration by the Seller in writing.

10. The Buyer has the option of using out-of-court settlement complaints and claims. The entity authorized to conduct proceedings for out-of-court resolution of consumer disputes,
competent for the Seller is the entity included in the list of entities authorized by UOKiK on the website: https://www.uokik.gov.pl/rejestr_podmiot_uprawnionych.php.

[Personal data protection]
1. As part of the Buyer's use of the Online Store, it may claim to process the Buyer's personal data in the following scope: name, surname, delivery address, e-mail address and number phone when filling out the order form.

2. The administrator of your personal data is Cukiernia Jacek Placek Tomasz Kondlewski with its registered office in Gowin (84-215) ul. Wejherowska 110, NIP 5882304608.

3. Each time using the Online Store, the Buyer agrees to processing by the Seller of his personal data provided via the order form available on the website www.jacekplacek.com.pl. In for the purpose of placing an order, and thus enabling the Seller to complete the order order (delivery of the Product to the indicated address).

4. The Buyer's data will be processed in order to complete the order, maintaining contact in connection with the execution of the order, issuing accounting documents (VAT invoices or receipts) in connection with the implementation orders, pursuing claims or defending against claims, conducting
direct marketing of the Seller's products (if the Buyer expresses consent in this regard), as well as fulfilling the obligations provided for by the regulations law (including in particular tax regulations and the Act on accounting).

5. The Administrator/Seller applies appropriate technical and organizational measures that the personal data processed by him are safe, including security personal data against unauthorized access, loss or destruction. In order to ensure the security of personal data, the Administrator has implemented appropriate personal, organizational, technical (IT) and security measures fiphysical.

6. The buyer has the right to access his personal data, rectify data, delete data (under the circumstances described in more detail in our Information Clause), limit the processing of personal data, object to the processing of personal data,
withdrawal of consent (withdrawal of consent will not affect the lawfulness of the processing carried out by the Seller on the basis of the Buyer's consent before its withdrawal) and lodging a complaint to the supervisory body (President of the Office for Personal Data Protection).

7. If you exercise the rights indicated above, please send your request to the e-mail address: cake@jacekplacek.com.pl or by post to the following address:

Confectionery Jacek Placek Tomasz Kondlewski ul. Wejherowska 110, 84-215 Gowino.

At the same time, we would like to inform you that the rights indicated above are not absolute and will not apply in every case of processing the Buyer's personal data by us.

8. Detailed information on the processing of personal data in connection with the use of the services provided by the Seller via the Online Store can be found in the Information Clause on
website www.jacekplacek.com.pl.

[Intellectual property law]
1. The Seller informs that the service provided via the Online Store on the website www.jacekplacek.com.pl includes documents and software protected by copyright, trademarks and other intangible assets subject to intellectual property protection.

2. The Seller is not liable for any damages arising or likely to arise in connection with the content of the website, regardless of the direct or indirect cause of such damages.

3. The Seller grants the Buyer the right to use the website
www.jacekplacek.com.pl only for the purpose of using the Online Store, in accordance with these Regulations. The authorization referred to in this paragraph is granted to the Buyer only for the period of use
online store.

4. It is forbidden to disassemble, recreate the source code, decompile, copy, reproduce, etc. any elements of the www.jacekplacek.com.pl website, in particular by using
algorithms, programs, devices that interfere or may interfere with the normal operation of the website or significantly burden the devices of the IT system or network connections.

5. For the avoidance of doubt, the Seller informs that the use or disposal of the content indicated in this paragraphfie, going beyond the scope of fair use, requires the prior written consent of the Seller or other authorized entity.

[Contact details]
The Seller enables contact in the following form:
1. by post to the following address: Cukiernia Jacek Placek Tomasz Kondlewski ul. Wejherowska 110, 84-215 Gowino,

2. to the e-mail address: cake@jacekplacek.com.pl,

3. by phone: (58) 572-03-31.

[Final Provisions]
1. These Regulations come into force on January 1, 2022.

2. The Seller reserves the right to change these Regulations in any time.

3. The amendment to the Regulations will be communicated to the Buyer via publishing a new version on the website www.jacekplacek.com.pl. Order submitted by the Buyer before the changes to the Regulations come into force implemented in accordance with the existing provisions of the Regulations.

4. The changes enter into force upon the publication of the amended text of the Regulations at www.jacekplacek.com.pl.

5. The Regulations are available on the website www.jacekplacek.com.pl in the form of enabling it to be downloaded, reproduced, recorded and printed. Everyone can read the Regulations.

6. Applicable substantive and procedural law for the services provided by The seller of services is governed by Polish law.

7. Any disputes arising from the application of these Regulations will be settled amicably, and in the absence of an amicable settlement, by the court common locally competent for the seat of the Seller.