Pastries from Jacek Placek Confectionery are sold not only in our company premises, but also in some popular grocery stores in the Tri-City. We realize that in the catering industry, the best possible display of products is very important, because thanks to their attractive appearance, they can attract the attention of customers and convince them to buy. In this article, we suggest how to effectively display cakes in shop windows and how to store them properly so that they retain their freshness and taste.
Choosing the right confectionery counter and storing baked goods
Shop windows have a dual function – they are used both to present goods and to store them. In the case of confectionery products, refrigerated counters are a common choice, allowing cakes and desserts to be stored at an appropriately low temperature – from 3 to 8 degrees Celsius. These special conditions are needed above all => cakes, cheesecakes, all pastries with cream, whipped cream, jelly and fruit. These desserts can stay in the refrigerated display for 2 days, maintaining the same freshness, shape and taste. Currently, the devices available on the market are equipped with modern cooling systems that prevent a sudden inflow of warm air when opening the counter.
However, not all cakes require storage at low temperature, and room temperature, i.e. around 18 degrees Celsius, is sufficient for them to maintain freshness for several days. This includes yeast baked goods, gingerbread, poppy seed cakes, muffins, shortcrust pastries and =>cookies, meringues, pound cakes, sponge cakes, choux pastries and puff pastries. However, these types of products should be protected from drying out. Therefore, in this case, neutral display cases – without refrigeration – will work great. Such equipment for shops is very useful because it allows easy access to products and their proper display.
It is also worth adding that most of the cakes listed above are perfect for freezing, which allows you to extend their shelf life by up to 6 months. The exceptions are baked goods with jelly, whipped cream and meringues.
How to present baked goods in a confectionery display case?
As we mentioned earlier, the visual aspect has a significant impact on the decision to purchase desserts. Customers head towards the counter to look at the sweets and then choose the most tempting ones. Attractively displayed cakes attract attention, provoking to reach for them and eat them.

So what influences the effective presentation of products? Of course, the key role is played by the display case itself, including its lighting and design. Its style and colors should harmonize with the decor of the premises, and at the same time focus the customer's eyes on what is inside, i.e. the desserts. The lighting of the shelves and chambers of the counter is also important. The warm color of light highlights the aesthetic value of baked goods and makes them more appetizing. A good solution in this situation is the use of LED fluorescent lamps, which can perfectly illuminate the products, while saving energy. What's more, any configuration of shelves in the display case allows for the free arrangement of cakes and desserts and their effective display.