How to decorate cakes and desserts? – fruit and decorations in confectionery

It is well known that we also eat with our eyes. Cakes decorated with fresh fruit, flowers or sprinkles are more tempting to reach for. How to decorate pastries and what is best to use as decorative elements? – You will find the answers to these questions in this article.

Fruit decorations

Seasonal fruits are the best choice when it comes to decorating cakes, tarts, tarts, cupcakes and other treats. In the summer and autumn, we have wide access to fresh strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, currants and plums - that's why it's worth using this wealth! The natural, sometimes sour, taste of these fruits fits perfectly with the sweetness of desserts. However, when the season is over, then let's reach for exotic species and citrus fruits - available all year round. In addition, dried, candied and freeze-dried fruit are also a great addition to cakes. All these fruit decorations give sweet pastries a unique taste and appearance, and most importantly - they are a source of valuable vitamins and minerals for us.  

If we want to present our cake decorating skills, we recommend using our ready-made meringue bases available in our company stores. On the meringue bottoms, apply a large layer of cream - whipped cream and mascarpone, and then decorate with plenty of fresh fruit and mint leaves - all according to our tastes and preferences! As a result, we will get a phenomenal meringue cake a`la Pavlova.

Edible flowers in confectionery

Flowers are becoming more and more popular as decorative elements. Confectioners willingly use them to decorate cakes, especially wedding and communion cakes. However, before we decide to reach for this form of decoration for our cake, it is worth making sure which flower species are edible and which cannot be eaten. Edible varieties include: rose, jasmine, lavender, marigold, pansy, daisy, violet, nasturtium, bergamot, as well as flowers of popular herbs such as basil, mint, oregano, sage. In addition, you need to know that we eat only the petals - without pistils and stamens. Edible flowers are rich in vitamins and minerals, and the essential oils contained in them infuse the cakes with a wonderful aroma - so let's take advantage of their various qualities!

An effective alternative are dried flowers, which present themselves exceptionally due to the multitude of types, colors and shapes. Dessert is enough to sprinkle with a few flowers to give it a unique look. Dried flowers are available in many stores, grocery wholesalers and on the Internet.

How to decorate cakes?

To decorate desserts, let's choose primarily natural products, i.e. edible fruits and flowers, because they not only look beautiful, but are also a source of valuable nutrients. Even a ready-made cake ordered in a pastry shop can be further enriched, for example by placing your favorite fruit or flowers on it. In addition, an interesting idea is to decorate the very plate on which we serve the dessert. We can do this by putting a few blueberries, a mint leaf or sprinkling a plate of cocoa or powdered sugar. Such a small addition, and the treat becomes even more tempting!

We invite you to order cakes in our confectionery Jacek Placek, where wall our pastries are made on the basis of only natural ingredients.