Natural flavors of baked goods from the Jacek Placek Confectionery

From the beginning of our company's existence, we have been guided by the primary value of using only natural ingredients to make baked goods. Over time, it turns out that our principles have also become a determinant for many companies on the confectionery market and this is a contemporary trend of producing healthy, natural food. We continue in the previously chosen direction, also opening ourselves to new technologies and products. Get to know our natural flavors!

Traditional home-made baked goods from Jacek Placek

Jacek Placek is a family workshop founded in 1994. We still make cakes, pies and other products in our confectionery according to multi-generational recipes. At the same time, in our work we are guided by our main principle of not using chemical additives, preservatives or ready-made confectionery mixtures, and we choose only natural components to prepare all our products. We use chicken eggs, butter, cream, cottage cheese, homemade jam, and real chocolate instead of their artificial substitutes. Thanks to this, our cakes are so unique and natural in their taste and aroma - they simply taste "like before". 

Modern confectionery trends at Jacek Plack

The Jacek Placek confectionery is based on traditional family recipes and thanks to them, it has gained a reputation on the Polish market as a manufacturer of homemade cakes and cakes. This is an important achievement for us, which constantly creates our brand. At the same time, however, we continue to improve our existing recipes to develop and meet contemporary consumption trends and customer expectations.

Cookies – healthy snacks

Shortcrust cookies are among our new products. We created them mainly for customers who value a healthy lifestyle. The cookies are available in 7 different variants, including vegan, keto, gluten-reduced and without traditional sugar. We make all types of baked goods based on natural, nutritious ingredients. They are rich in fiber and valuable seeds: sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, linseed. => Crunchy cookies from Jacek Placek is a healthy, tasty and filling snack for everyone and a perfect complement to the daily diet. We would like to mention that the following products are used at the plant: flour, eggs, nuts, sesame and milk. Therefore, each product may contain traces of the mentioned allergens, even if they are not specified in the description and list of ingredients.


Natural dyes for cakes and cakes

Jacek Placek

Another modern trend developing on the confectionery market is the use of natural dyes to give the right color to baked goods and sweets. This idea has set the direction of the Jacek Placek Confectionery's operations from the very beginning. We work intensively and look for new solutions to constantly improve our products. To make our flagship => red velvet cake we use a natural red dye - lycopene, which is obtained from tomatoes. Another natural dye we often use is beetroot extract.

We invite you to try the natural flavors of cakes and cookies from Jacek Placek, as well as 13 types of ours => new cakes!