Magic and tradition on the festive table

The last weeks of the year are ahead of us - a winter time of rest and celebration with family and friends. Although Western consumer culture tells us to go crazy in shopping malls and turn our homes into twinkling plastic palaces, remember that many Christmas traditions have their roots in Slavic times, when our ancestors celebrated the Bountiful Wedding. Christianization moved the celebration time by a few days, but in Slavic lands the customs associated with this time of year remained. In the last century, Christmas time began with the arrival of astronomical winter, i.e. the winter solstice, and lasted until Epiphany, i.e. January 6. Tradition required farmers to rest after the year-long hard work and focus on family life. Further relatives and neighbors were visited, and Christmas treats were served on every table.
Advent itself – the month of December – was a time of silence and waiting. The tradition included preparing Advent wreaths and making Christmas tree decorations with your own hands. Today we have a huge selection of ready-made ornaments and decorations, it's true - but we encourage you to prepare the decorations together with your family or friends. All you need are a few beautiful spruce or pine branches, arborvitae from our garden, and red beads on barberry twigs to create a beautiful wreath or decoration. Nature gives us nuts, red apples and pine cones. An ideal reference to tradition will be spice cookies in Christmas shapes, decorated with icing and hung on a Christmas tree or wreath. We bake them for you every year and offer them ready for decorating, also in packages with icing markers.

Spicy cookies for decoration
Baking for Christmas

Returning to the Christmas customs of our great-grandparents - the last days before Christmas were devoted to cleaning and preparing traditional Christmas delicacies. And today we cannot imagine Christmas Eve supper without red borscht, dumplings, poppy seed cake and gingerbread.
Today, most of us experience the busiest time at work before the holidays. It's easier to order ready-made meals and have time to decorate the Christmas tree with your children. Nevertheless, we would like tasty home-made dishes to dominate our Christmas Eve tables.

Mini patties Delicious with cabbage and mushrooms
Red borscht with home-made sourdough

For years, we have been trying to provide you with Christmas baked goods in a form as close to the traditional one as possible, made from natural ingredients. We are deeply grateful for the trust that our regular customers place in us and we would like to share the effects of our almost 30 years of experience with new generations. Let our children know what a cheesecake made of natural cottage cheese, puff pastry with butter or a cake with real cream tastes like. Without artificial colors and enhancers. Just like our great-grandmother Agatka made them and all grandmothers whose memory should be present at the Christmas table. We cordially invite you to place orders for cakes, tortes, dumplings and patties. At the end of the article you will find links to all of ours company points, where you can also order and pick up the ordered delicacies.

Dumplings and patties according to home recipes
Christmas cakes made of natural ingredients

Meanwhile, we would like to tell you the history of several Christmas specialties, believing that you will find a taste of Slavic tradition in our products - we do not write "Polish", because we know from our own family experience that in many environments, culinary traditions mixed with the place of origin of the household members. Many holiday tables feature side by side dishes from Greater Poland, Pomerania, Lithuania, Ukraine and even from outside the regions of Central and Eastern Europe.

Poppy seed cake is a typical dish Christmas Eve  In Polish cuisine. In some regions, known as poppy seed cake or poppy seed strudel - it was most often baked in the eastern part of Poland, in the former Borderlands. Hence, its popularity increased after World War II, when people from eastern areas settled in the western part of Poland, Pomerania and Masuria. In most less wealthy homes, poppy seed cake was baked only for special occasions, such as Christmas, Easter or family celebrations. Let's remember that in the past, dried fruit and spices were expensive products because they were imported by merchants. Homes mainly used their own honey, poppy seeds and nuts. According to the beliefs of our Slavic ancestors, poppy seeds eaten on Christmas Eve were a symbol of harvest and fertility, ensuring happiness and protecting against evil forces. Poppy seeds in Christmas Eve dishes, apart from honey and mushrooms, were also a link with the spiritual world and ensured good sleep - our great-grandparents knew the calming, sleep-inducing and soothing effects of poppy seeds.

Makowiec Beaded
Poppy seed cake
Gingerbread It is one of the oldest confectionery products. Initially called honeydew, it was already known in ancient Rome. At that time, honey and flour were used to prepare it, and sometimes pepper was added. It appeared in Europe in the Middle Ages, apparently thanks to the Crusades and the availability of oriental spices. As with many original recipes, there were mistakes, which resulted in new forms of baked goods that were surprising in taste and consistency. Apparently this was also the case with gingerbread - the spices found their way into the honey cake by mistake. The Polish word "piernik" comes from the word "pierny", which meant "peppery, strongly spiced". In what is now Poland, gingerbread appeared in the Middle Ages, with the influx of German settlers who charmed their neighbors with their "lebkuchen". Initially, only the wealthy could afford it, because it was an expensive specialty that required the use of imported oriental spices - pepper, nutmeg, cinnamon, cloves, ginger, anise and cardamom. Many of these spices facilitated digestion, which is why gingerbread was once treated as a medicine and could be purchased... in pharmacies! The first mention of gingerbread in Poland dates back to the 15th century, and the oldest Polish recipe dates back to 1725 and was included in a medical book.
We have a local curiosity for you, dear countrymen from Pomerania - it was not Toruń that was the first Polish city famous for gingerbread, but Gdańsk!
gingerbread with pumpkin Confectionery Jacek Placek is synonymous with the taste of homemade cakes made of natural products.
Gingerbread with pumpkin
gingerbread 3 Confectionery Jacek Placek is synonymous with the taste of homemade cakes made from natural products.
Gingerbread with jam and chocolate coating

In ancient times, gingerbread was a symbol of luxury and prosperity. It was popular to make figures and bas-reliefs from gingerbread dough. Due to their beautiful forms and decorations, gingerbread has become a traditional gift for many holiday occasions. We also honor this tradition, and although we limit our decorations to chocolate icing and icing, our gingerbread cookies in star and Christmas tree-shaped molds or gingerbread slices in chocolate will please the palate of many recipients!

Gingerbread Christmas tree decorated
Gingerbreads with chocolate icing
Slices Gingerbread

fruitcake It is a cake with a long pedigree. In preserved recipes from ancient Rome, fruitcake was made of barley cake with raisins, pine nuts and pomegranates. In the Middle Ages, this recipe was enriched with honey, spices and a wider range of fruits. Currently, we know fruitcakes as sand cakes or sponge cakes, to which dried fruits and candied fruits are added. They are traditionally baked in rectangular tins, hence today we call such narrow tins "cake tins". Fruitcake appears on our tables at Christmas or Easter. The classic fruitcake is simple and quick to prepare. The dough is aromatic and soft and stays fresh for a long time. Experts say that it is the tastiest about two or three days after baking. We checked, this is indeed the case. This is probably why fruitcake celebrates its holiday on December 27, i.e. three days after Christmas Eve.

Christmas cake
Gift sets

We would like to draw your attention to something new in our Christmas offer – gift sets. We encourage you to check it out in our online store, and we will write more soon, because part of this offer will become available all year round.

We invite you to our company confectioneries and stands at Christmas fairs in Gdańsk and Wejherowo - at each of these points you will be able to pick up the cake you ordered before Christmas. We also offer the most convenient form of collection - delivery to the indicated address. Here are all our points with links to contact details.

Company confectionery shop Gdańsk Osowa
Company confectionery shop Gdańsk Zaspa
Sopot company confectionery
Busola Cafe Wejherowo
Gdańsk Christmas Market
Wejherowo Christmas Market