How to prepare a buffet at a party?

Buffet refreshments are an ideal solution when we have a small space to organize a party, or as a form of continuation of the party after the served part. Moreover, this style of event favors the integration of guests, because all participants can freely contact each other and are not assigned to a specific place at the table. So what should we pay special attention to when planning a buffet at a party? And what dishes to choose? In the article below you will learn how to organize this type of refreshment step by step. 

Preparation of space and tables

When deciding on the buffet format of the party, first consider carefully how to plan the space in the room - how to arrange the tables for guests and where to best place the buffet. If you don't have much space at your disposal, it is worth considering organizing a standing party at cocktail tables. At the same time, arrange tables with refreshments so that participants have easy access to them and can move freely. It is also worth marking the direction of movement near the buffet, which will help you avoid unnecessary confusion.

Crockery and decorations

The next step in planning a buffet party will be choosing specific tableware and table decorations. The style of the reception plays an important role here and its setting should be appropriately composed. For example, if you are organizing a buffet during a conference or business meeting, elegant tableware and white tablecloths will certainly be recommended. In addition, it will also be a good idea to decorate the tables with bouquets of fresh flowers or candlesticks, but in such a way that these decorations do not take up too much space and do not make it difficult for guests to enjoy refreshments. However, if the event has a less official, garden character, we can even opt for disposable tableware. 

What menu for the buffet?

Finally, we still have the most important point, which is planning the dishes for the buffet. When coming up with refreshments, we should take into account several issues, such as the style of the party, its duration and the time of day when it will take place. And depending on these factors, we prepare a buffet - with a set of lunch dishes, cold snacks and desserts. We can decide to choose one of these options, e.g. only a sweet table, when we need to organize coffee breaks during the conference. Don't forget to include cold and warm drinks such as coffee and tea in the buffet. If there are a large number of guests, plan a larger number of bain-marie, jugs and coffee machines. We can also think about setting up buffets in two zones. 

Our company Jacek Placek also has a wide range of products intended especially for buffet parties. These include: monodesserts, => art cakes, monoportions, mini tarts, dumplings and patties with various fillings. Moreover, at trade fairs we present how to prepare a sweet table based on our baked goods offer. This is a real paradise for every sweet tooth!

We encourage you to place orders in our stationary and online stores. From May we start promotions on selected cakes and this month it is => shortcrust pastry with rhubarb and apples. You're welcome!